In memoriam: Lilia Georgiivna Boitsun, a mathematician and bright person
MSC 2020
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Bojtsun L.G., Rybnikova T.I. "Absolute $$$(C,1)\cdot(B,p(y))$$$-summability of Fourier integral", Res. Math., 1973; pp. 91-97. (in Russian)
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Bojtsun L.G., Rybnikova T.I. "$$$(W,p^\alpha(y))$$$-summation of of trigonometric Fourier integral", Res. Math., 2015; 23: pp. 12-18. (in Russian) doi:10.15421/241502
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Copyright (c) 2021 V.F. Babenko, R.O. Bilichenko, M.B. Vakarchuk, O.V. Kovalenko, S.V. Konareva, V.O. Kofanov, T.Yu. Leskevych, N.V. Parfinovych, A.M. Pasko, O.V. Polyakov, O.O. Rudenko, T.I. Rybnikova, D.S. Skorokhodov, M.Ye. Tkachenko, V.M. Traktynska

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