Researches on summation problem in Dnipropetrovsk State University
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Alkhimov M.I. "On conditions of summability by arithmetic mean method of one class of double sequences", Nauch. zap. DGU, 1941; 25(2). (in Russian)
Alkhimov M.I. "On conditions of uniform convergence of some classes of double series", Nauch. zap. DGU, 1948; 34(4). (in Russian)
Alkhimov M.I. "On summation of one class of double sequences", Nauch. zap. DGU, 1953; 41(4). (in Russian)
Alkhimov M.I. "To the question of bounded summability of double series and sequences", Res. Math., 1968. (in Russian)
Alkhimov M.I. "Researches on summation problem in Dnipropetrovsk State University", Res. Math., 1967; pp. 3-15. (in Russian)
Bojtsun L.G. "On absolute summability of Fourier integrals by method of Voronoi", Trudy I respub. matem. conf. molod. issledov., Kyiv, 1965; II. (in Russian)
Bojtsun L.G. "On summation of Fourier integrals by method of Voronoi", Trudy I respub. matem. conf. molod. issledov., Kyiv, 1965; II. (in Russian)
Bojtsun L.G. "On one theorem of E. Titchmarsh", Izv. vuzov, 1965; 47(4). (in Russian)
Bojtsun L.G. "On one theorem from theory of summability of Fourier integrals by method of G.F. Voronoi", Tezy 2 nauk. conf. molod. matemat. Ukrainy, Kyiv, 1965. (in Ukrainian)
Bojtsun L.G. "On absolute summability of conjugate Fourier integrals by method of G.F. Voronoi", Tezy 3 nauk. conf. molod. matemat. Ukrainy, Kyiv, 1966. (in Ukrainian)
Bojtsun L.G. "On absolute summability of conjugate Fourier integrals by method of Voronoi", Izv. vuzov. Matematika, 1967; 6: pp. 11-21. (in Russian)
Dubinskii E.A. "On linear transformations of double sequences by means of double sequence of matrices", Cand. Diss., 1940. (in Russian)
Dubinskii E.A. "Linear transformations of double sequences by means of double sequence of matrices", Nauch. zap. DGU, 1948; 34(3). (in Russian)
Kalashnikov M.D. "Remarks on infinite products", Dokl. AN SSSR, 1950; 73(1). (in Russian)
Kalashnikov M.D. "On conditions of summability of infinite products", Ukrainian Math. J., 1951; 3(4). (in Russian)
Kalashnikov M.D. "Tauberian theorems for infinite products", Dopov. AN URSR, 1955; 4. (in Ukrainian)
Kilberg E.M. "On strong summability of bounded and measurable functions", Nauch. zap. DGU, 1948; 34. (in Russian)
Kilberg E.M. "On strong summability of double sequences", Nauch. zap. DGU, 1953; 41. (in Russian)
Kilberg E.M. "Strong summability of double Fourier series", Nauch. zap. DGU, 1961; 55(6). (in Russian)
Kilberg E.M. "Strong summability of differentiated double Fourier series", Nauch. zap. DGU, 1961; 55(6). (in Russian)
Kilberg E.M. "Harmonical method of Fourier series summation", Dopov. AN URSR, 1966; 7. (in Ukrainian)
Ogievetskii I.E. "On method of Toeplitz and Perron", J. Inst. AN USSR, 1937. (in Russian)
Ogievetskii I.E. "On one generalized sum", Nauch. zap. DGU, 1941; 25(2). (in Ukrainian)
Ogievetskii I.E. "On Borel sums", Nauch. zap. DGU, 1941; 25(2). (in Russian)
Ogievetskii I.E. "Generalization of Hadamard's theorem on convergence of series", Dokl. AN SSSR, 1941; 31(3). (in Russian)
Ogievetskii I.E. "On Dirichlet's criterion of uniform convergence", Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. matem., 1941; 8(6). (in Russian)
Ogievetskii I.E. "Generalization of Landau's theorem for functional series", DAN SSSR, 1946; 51(9). (in Russian)
Ogievetskii I.E. "Generalization of Hadamard's and Dirichlet's theorems for quasi-uniformly convergent series", Dokl. AN SSSR, 1947; 56(8). (in Russian)
Ogievetskii I.E. "On conditions of convergency of double series", Dokl. AN SSSR, 1947; 58(9). (in Russian)
Ogievetskii I.E. "On comparability of Abel and Cesaro summation methods", Dokl. AN SSSR, 1953; 92. (in Russian)
Ogievetskii I.E. "Interrelations between Abel and arithmetic mean summation methods", Trudy DIITa, 1954; 24. (in Russian)
Ogievetskii I.E. "Some Tauberian theorems for double series", Dokl. AN SSSR, 1956; 110. (in Russian)
Ogievetskii I.E. "Some Tauberian theorems for bounded-slowly oscillating sequences", Trudy III Vsesoiuzn. matem. siezda, 1956; 1. (in Russian)
Ogievetskii I.I. "Summation method of Bernstein-Rogozinskii", Nauch. zap. DGU, 1948; 34. (in Russian)
Ogievetskii I.I. "Extension of Frobenius theorem for double power series", Dokl. AN SSSR, 1947. (in Russian)
Ogievetskii I.I. "On summation method of S.N. Bernstein", Dokl. AN SSSR, 1951. (in Russian)
Ogievetskii I.I. "On one property of sine-series", Dokl. AN SSSR, 1952. (in Russian)
Ogievetskii I.I. "Summation of double series", Dokl. AN SSSR, 1954. (in Russian)
Ogievetskii I.I. "To the theory of summation of multiple number series", Materialy III Vsesoiuzn. siezda matemat., 1956; 1. (in Russian)
Ogievetskii I.I. "Some Tauberian theorems of Wiener type for two-variable functions", Chekhoslov. matem. zhurn., 1958; 8(83). (in Russian)
Ogievetskii I.I. "Summation of double sequences by Abel and Cesaro methods in bounded sense", Uspekhi matem. nauk, 1958; 6. (in Russian)
Ogievetskii I.I. "To the theory of summation of series by Borel method of fractional order", Dopov. AN URSR, 1959; 8. (in Ukrainian)
Ogievetskii I.I. "To the theory of summation of bounded series by Toeplitz matrices", Izv. vuzov. Ser. matem., 1959; 2(2). (in Russian)
Ogievetskii I.I. "On method of Borel", Matematika, 1960; 6. (in Russian)
Ogievetskii I.I. "On cardinality of set of sequences of linearly independent relations of regular matrix", Uspekhi matem. nauk, 1962; I. (in Russian)
Ogievetskii I.I. "To the theory of summation of series by Borel method of fractional order", Dopov. AN URSR, 1962; 5. (in Ukrainian)
Ogievetskii I.I. "To the problem of efficiency and inefficiency of regular matrices", Izv. AN SSSR, 1963; 3. (in Russian)
Ogievetskii I.I. "Problems of efficiency of regular matrices", Izv. AN SSSR, 1963; 3. (in Russian)
Ogievetskii I.I. "To the theory of summation of bounded sequences of regular matrices", Uspekhi matem. nauk, 1963; 5. (in Russian)
Ogievetskii I.I. "Tauberian theorems for summation method associated with analytic continuation", VII conf. po TFKP, Rostov, 1963. (in Russian)
Ogievetskii I.I. "Summation of series by method of Borel II", Matematika, 1964; 3(40). (in Russian)
Ogievetskii I.I. "Some Tauberian theorems", Uspekhi matem. nauk, 1964; 4(19). (in Russian)
Ogievetskii I.I. "Tauberian theorems for summation method associated with analytic continuation", Uspekhi matem. nauk, 1964; 19(6). (in Russian)
Ogievetskii I.I. "On inclusion between regular matrices", Uchen. zap. Kazansk. un-ta, 1964; 124(6). (in Russian)
Ogievetskii I.I. "Tauberian theorems for some methods of summation", Sb. "Issled. po sovremenn. problemam construct. teorii functs.", Baku, 1965. (in Russian)
Ogievetskii I.I. "On inclusion between regular matrices", Bulletin of Polish AS, 1965; 13(6). (in Russian)
Ogievetskii I.I. "Tauberian theorems for functional method of G.F. Voronoi", Izv. vuzov, 1966; 6(55). (in Russian)
Ogievetskii I.I. "Summation of unbounded sequences by regular matrices", Dokl. AN SSSR, 1966; 167(5). (in Russian)
Ogievetskii I.I. "Some questions of general theory of summation by linear regular methods of bounded and unbounded sequences", Proc. of Internat. Math. Congress, Nauka, 1966. (in Russian)
Ogievetskii I.I. "Summation of unbounded sequences by linear regular methods", Doklady (USA), Soviet mathematics, 1965; 167(5).
Slepenchuk K.M. "On generation of convergence of infinite products", Dopov. AN URSR, 1952; 2. (in Ukrainian)
Slepenchuk K.M. "Summation of some classes of divergent products", Uchen. zap. DGU, 1953; 11. (in Russian)
Slepenchuk K.M. "Representation of analytic function of two variables by means of double infinite product", Uspekhi matem. nauk, 1953; 8(2). (in Russian)
Slepenchuk K.M. "On one property of infinite products", Upsekhi matem. nauk, 1955; 10(1). (in Russian)
Slepenchuk K.M. "On analogue of Abel theorem for infinite products", Dokl. AN SSSR, 1955; 104(1). (in Russian)
Slepenchuk K.M. "Inversion theorems for infinite products", Nauch. zap. DGU, 1956; 45. (in Russian)
Slepenchuk K.M. "Some general Tauberian theorems", Dopov. AN URSR, 1960; 10. (in Ukrainian)
Slepenchuk K.M. "Tauberian theorems for absolute summability (general theorems)", Dopov. AN URSR, 1961; 11. (in Ukrainian)
Slepenchuk K.M. "Nonlinear transformations of sequences", Nauch. zap. DGU, 1961; 55(6). (in Russian)
Slepenchuk K.M. "On conditions of convergence of one class of infinite products", Nauch. zap. DGU, 1961; 55(6). (in Russian)
Slepenchuk K.M. "Generalized Hölder methods of negative order", Dopov. AN URSR, 1962; 2. (in Ukrainian)
Slepenchuk K.M. "Some methods of series summation", Dopov. AN URSR, 1963; 12. (in Ukrainian)
Slepenchuk K.M. "Some particular methods of summation of infinite products", Izv. vuzov, 1963; 6. (in Russian)
Slepenchuk K.M. "Tauberian theorems for $$$(H^{(\alpha)}, \lambda)$$$ methods of summation of double series", Dopov. AN URSR, 1964; 3. (in Ukrainian)
Slepenchuk K.M. "Nonlinear transformations of some classes of sequences (of products)", Izv. vuzov, 1964; 2. (in Russian)
Slepenchuk K.M. "Tauberian theorems for $$$(C_0^{(\alpha)}, \lambda)$$$ methods of summation of series", Izv. vuzov, 1964; 3. (in Russian)
Slepenchuk K.M. "Tauberian theorems for some methods of summation of series", Izv. vuzov, 1964; 5. (in Russian)
Slepenchuk K.M. "Tauberian theorems for some methods of summation of double series", Izv. vuzov, 1964; 6. (in Russian)
Slepenchuk K.M. "Tauberian theorems for generalized Hölder methods of negative order", Izv. vuzov, 1965; 1. (in Russian)
Slepenchuk K.M. "Tauberian theorems for summation of double series by means of Hölder methods", Ukrainian Math. J., 1965; 1. (in Russian)
Slepenchuk K.M. "On summation of series by $$$(C_0, \lambda)$$$-methods", Izv. vuzov, 1965; 2. (in Russian)
Slepenchuk K.M. "Summation of double series by generalized Hölder methods", Izv. vuzov, 1965; 4. (in Russian)
Slepenchuk K.M. "Absolute summability of series by Cesaro methods of negative order", Izv. vuzov, 1965; 5. (in Russian)
Slepenchuk K.M. "Tauberian theorems for absolute summability by Abel methods", Izv. vuzov, 1965; 6. (in Russian)
Slepenchuk K.M. "Generalization of Hölder means and Tauberian theorems for such methods", Ukrainian Math. J., 1966; 1. (in Russian)
Slepenchuk K.M. "On one Tauberian theorem for summation of series", Dopov. AN URSR, 1966; 1. (in Ukrainian)
Slepenchuk K.M. "Tauberian theorems for absolute summability by Borel method", Dopov. AN URSR, 1966; 6. (in Ukrainian)
Slepenchuk K.M. "Summation of integrals by Hölder and Cesaro methods of negative order", Izv. vuzov, 1966; 5. (in Russian)
Slepenchuk K.M. "To the question of analogue of Abel theorem for infinite products", Izv. vuzov, 1967; 2. (in Russian)
Slepenchuk K.M. "Tauberian theorems for infinite products", Izv. vuzov, 1967; 8. (in Russian)
Slepenchuk K.M. "On one general Tauberian theorem and its application to $$$(I^*, P_n, \lambda)$$$-methods", Izv. vuzov, 1967; 12. (in Russian)
Slepenchuk K.M. "Tauberian theorems for matrix methods of series summation and their applications", Izv. vuzov, 1968; 1. (in Russian)
Slepenchuk K.M. "Tauberian theorems for absolute summability", Res. Math., 1967; pp. 90-93. (in Russian)
Slepenchuk K.M. "On conditions of convergence of some classes of double infinite products", Res. Math. (in Russian)
Slobodskoi L.I. "On some integral transformations", Cand. Diss., 1940. (in Russian)
Timan M.F. "On Abelian summability of double series", Dokl. AN SSSR, 1948; 60(7). (in Russian)
Timan M.F. "On $$$(C, \alpha, \beta)$$$-summability of double series", Dokl. AN SSSR, 1951; 76(5). (in Russian)
Timan M.F., Zhak I.E. "Absolute Abelian summability of double series", Dokl. AN SSSR, 1951; 78(5). (in Russian)
Tokarchuk N.T. "Generalization of Hadamard's and Dirichlet's theorems for double series", Cand. Diss., 1945. (in Russian)
Portnoi Kh.A. "On behaviour of indefiniteness limits under regular transformations", Cand. Diss., 1951. (in Russian)
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