On envelope of single-parametric family of limit surfaces in Lobachevskii space

P.T. Stepanenko (Dnipropetrovsk State University)
B.S. Vakarchuk (Dnipropetrovsk State University)


On envelope of single-parametric family of limit surfaces in Lobachevskii space.


Kagan V.F. Theory of surfaces, vol. I, 1947. (in Russian)

Yastrebov Yu.N., Vakarchuk B.S. "On some analytic tests for arrangement of straight lines in Lobachevskii space", Trudy Leningrad. in-ta inzhen. vodn. transp., 1959; 26. (in Russian)

Vakarchuk B.S. "On spherical mapping of curves and surfaces in Lobachevskii space", Ukrainian Math. J., 1960; 1. (in Russian)

DOI: https://doi.org/10.15421/246717



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