On approximation by linear function in $$$L_2$$$

V.F. Storchai (Dnipropetrovsk State University)


On approximation by linear function in $$$L_2$$$.


Korneichuk N.P. "On the best uniform approximation of differentiable functions", Dokl. AN SSSR, 1961; 141: pp. 304-307. (in Russian)

Korneichuk N.P. On the best uniform approximation of continuous functions, Doct. Diss., 1963. (in Russian)

Korneichuk N.P. "On linear methods of approximation of periodic functions that satisfy Lipschitz condition", Sbornik rabot mech.-math. kafedr DGU, 1961; 6: pp. 92-96. (in Russian)

DOI: https://doi.org/10.15421/246718



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