Some properties of the Generalized Jacobi polynomial

D. Waghela (Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda)
S.B. Rao (Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda),


An attempt is made to find recurrence relation and further properties of the generalized Jacobi polynomial $$$P_{n,\tau }^{\left( {\alpha ,\gamma ,\beta } \right)}(x)$$$ . Yet another generalization $$$P_{n,\tau ,\lambda }^{\left( {\alpha ,\gamma ,\beta } \right)}(x)$$$ of Jacobi polynomial $$$P_n^{\left( {\alpha ,\beta } \right)}(x)$$$ has been introduced and its properties have been studied. For $$$\lambda  = \tau$$$ we recover $$$P_{n,\tau }^{\left( {\alpha ,\gamma ,\beta } \right)}(x)$$$. The results so obtained may be useful in the theory of special functions, where Jacobi polynomials occur naturally.


Jacobi polynomial; generalized Jacobi polynomial; recurrence relation; integral representation

MSC 2020

Pri 33E20, Sec 26A33, 26A99, 33C45, 33C20

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