On extension of functions, being integrable with weight on interval and satisfying conditions of Lipschitz type

S.V. Goncharov (Oles Honchar Dnipropetrovsk National University), https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8071-8746


We show the method to expand functions being integrable with a weight on the interval, and satisfying conditions of integral Lipschitz type, on the whole line. We prove that the differential properties of such functions are kept at the expansion.


integral metric; Lipschitz condition; weight function; expansion


Goncharov S.V. "On the inclusion of classes of functions, being integrable with a weight on the interval and satisfying conditions of Lipschitz type", Res. Math., 2014; 19: pp. 24-35. (in Russian) doi:10.15421/241404

Dzyadyk V.K. "On the extension of functions satisfying Lipschitz condition in $$$L_p$$$ metric", Matem. sbornik, 1956; 40(82/2): pp. 239-242. (in Russian)

DOI: https://doi.org/10.15421/241604



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